I, on the other hand, keep going and going until one night I break down in tears and sobs and snot running down my face and Jake tries to calm me down until I fall asleep.
Last night was different...
During my weekly yoga session, I decided that when I got home, I was going to take a night off of everything. So I picked up dinner, sweet pork salads* and headed home. I forgot about my homework/studying I should have been doing, didn't take the shower that I probably needed and put on my jammies and watched Invictus with Jake.
It was great. I was so content and lazy and it felt great.
*Jake's boss bought him lunch that day and it just happened to also be a sweet pork salad from the same place. Oops!
Erica! I feel ya - I have been doing the SAME thing and sometimes it feels better to have a fun life and pass classes than have a stressful life and ace them!!