Friday, October 14, 2011

As part of my job, we take athletes to specialty doctors, the hospital for surgeries, etc. Since these places are in Honolulu and most people don't have a car, we provide transportation.

Yesterday, I brought a basketball player from Japan to Queens Medical Center in town. His name is Ryo Tanaka and has been living in the United States for almost four years now. Hid first experience of the U.S. was when he was living in the ghetto in California where he went to community college and the gang violence was so high he was not allowed to wear blue or red.

The drive to town is over an hour, and the wait to see the doctor was about an hour. Even though it was a very long trip, it was really cool to hear about customs, traditions, and holidays in Japan.

P.s. I also learned how to say hello, thank you, and my name is Erica in Japanese. He said my accent was really bad but it was okay because I was American.

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