Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Why you wish you came to our house.

Yes.  Events like these DO actually happen on a daily basis at our house.
Oh and don't even worry that he burped Dino-Nuggets from lunch in my face.

My sisters and I did this a lot growing up...and grown up. Especially on Sundays while watching "Sunday approved" movies.
There were about 55 of the next pictures... so here are a few highlights of the ones we took over the hour course. At one point I started complaining that my hip was hurting from kicking so many times and asked if we could stop. Jake goes "No! We are going to get this right! We do things right in this house!"

And last but not least, I would like to point out the "paintings" I made to decorate the living room.
The middle one we bought with the bookshelf but looked so lonely and boring on its own. So I bought some cheap canvas and spray paint that matched the towels and rug in the kitchen to make it look a little more homey.

1 comment:

  1. I was cracking up reading this post! looks like fun! And you are so domestic now painting pictures for the wall!
