I would like to take a moment (at work) to let you all in on a little secret that is kinda a big deal. I get married in 18 days. Seriously?! 18. Really?! 18. It seems so crazy to me that the countdown has shrunken down to a "teen" number. I'm so nervousexcitedhappyanxious for this day to finally come.
I am so grateful for my sisters and mom that have been working so hard on my wedding since I am not able to do certain things (sometimes living on an island sucks).
Also, to my future family-in-law on creating a beautiful open house in Nevada that I cannot wait to see the finished product of!
With that, September 7th is on its way...
WOW!! 18 days!! That is crazy!! Then you go into the married world!!! YAY!! I wish I could be there so bad.