This post is dedicated to Morgan. Why? Well... Why not? (And because this my Valentine's Day gift to her I guess you could call it). Morgan dearest and I have been friends for a long time. Like third grade long. Ish. I do not recall the exact age that this true bonding began. We share so many likes and dislikes one would almost call it scary. I just call it sheer intuition.
1- We worked in hell (Rotelli Italian Cuisine and Pizza) together with the Italian mafia and terrorists from I don't even know where. Here we almost peed our pants together multiple times and I'm sure that maybe we even did. She also watched me trip over mats, stumble over my words with attractive customers, and be a brat to less then pleasurable "guests".
2- Q.T. Here we would be found lurking at random times of the night, on random days of the week, making fun of random people and giving them random life stories while insulting random parts of their outfits/lame attempts to flirt with each other. Here we made some phone calls to people in various states other than our own. I also wet her yoga pants here in front of the Soda Fountains while trying to make it the bathroom. But alas, I did not make it which is what usually happens with us. We try, but fail.
3-CGCC. Oh my. The good ol' days of community college.
4- Discovery Park. Where we took the Chevy Tracker 4 wheeling and I sprayed perfume in my eye. Here we also made some phone calls to people in various states other than our own as well.
5-Walmart. Missionary packages and a polorode camera. Bad...BAD idea.
6-Val Vista Lakes communities at Christmastime. The locations where most of our victims for "deering" occur.
Let the good times roll...